Ryn + Dish Vegan
Welcome to Dish Vegan. I created Dish Vegan to share my passion of cooking cuisines, vegan and gluten free recipes, and using whole, healthy foods. My friends call me, Ryn. On this page, I’ll tell you about myself, about my health journey, and more about Dish Vegan.
My journey into healthy cooking and eating began when I was eighteen years old. A friend gave me a copy of “Sugar Blues” to read. That was my first real experience into relating food with health. I grew up primarily eating TV dinners, packaged foods and junk food. I knew then that I needed to change my diet and make healthier choices.

I grew up in the Bay Area, California. It is where I spent over half my life. Now, I live in the Midwest. It is here that I have resided for over twenty years. My entire childhood I’ve had health challenges and once I discovered better ways of eating, my health got better. I saw the improvement! Therefore, the study of food, health and well-being became important to me. Creating recipes and working with food has been my passion for years. I’m also passionate about sharing that knowledge with others.

The Journey
Overtime, I’ve kept up with new research and have kept experimenting and tweaking my recipes and menus. It was on my first steps into this health journey, in my early twenties, when I discovered that I was allergic to milk and discovered the benefits of being vegetarian. After further exploring where food comes from I started creating vegan recipes. In recent years, I found that a gluten-free diet was a healthier choice. Over the years, I’ve had ups-and-downs in how I eat, and I can clearly say I’m at my healthiest when I pay attention to what I eat and make healthy choices. What I’ve learned is that when healthy food is more attractive and tastier than processed food, it is easy to make the right choices.
Throughout the years, I’ve helped many friends, family, and acquaintances who asked, make better food choices. More importantly, I’ve helped them get excited and enthusiastic about eating healthy and good for you foods! The biggest impact came from people who were not vegan but couldn’t resist trying the food I created. Many wanted my recipes! One thing I’ve learned is that healthy food must look and taste good for instant appeal.
About Dish Vegan
Vegan and gluten-free food is yummy, appetizing and gorgeous! Here, at Dish Vegan, I try to make food fun, tasty, and tantalizing! I love to explore the beauty and creativity of food! I love to inspire people with my healthy recipes, therefore, I try to make them look good and taste amazing! In my experience, there are depths of flavors that make even the biggest vegan critics take second and third helpings! My goal is to make vegan, gluten-free food so delicious and fantastic looking, that even non-vegans must try it! Get some tasty recipes here.
Dish Vegan is a food blog with the primary focus of discovering, exploring and sharing the beauty; we’re highlighting the appeal of vegan food. It’s meant to inspire myself and others to eat healthier. I mainly share my recipes, but I write, draw and paint here, too! I’m happy to take another step in my health and creative journey, as I continue learning, discovering and experimenting, and share it all with you.
I want to thank you for being here, and I hope you’ll continue to join me on this beautiful journey!
Love, Ryn